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Skills about reading comprehension

来源:本站原创  发布人:东课题  发布时间:2021-06-28  浏览次数:

Skills about reading comprehension

Teaching aims:

By the end of this lesson, students are expected to be able to :

1. Have the ability of read passages quickly.

2. Acquire the skills to help solving the problems in the comprehension.

3. Applying the skills in daily exercise or the exam.

Teaching keys and difficult points:

Understand how to use the skills of the reading comprehension.

Teaching aids

1. Blackboard & Chalk   2. Multimedia

Teaching procedures:

Activity 1: hitting the exam

Showing the importance of the reading comprehension in the Senior High School Entrance Exam and ask students to pay more attention to it.

Activity 2: Skills about reading comprehension

一. Show a passage and lead to the main question patterns

1) .Words in the context                         2). .Detail information Question

    3 ).The Main Idea Question                      4) .The inference Question  

5). The Opinions/ Attitude Question

1 .Words in the context

Tip 1:根据上下文意(context) 猜测词在文中含义

Tip2:根据构词法(word formation),词根,前缀,后缀猜测词义

2. .Detail information Question

Tip 3:  定位关键词,圈划相关句, 题文对照, 排除干扰.

3 ).The Main Idea Question      

Tip 4: 藏头露尾式:主题句出现在文尾

Tip5 : 开门见山式:主题句出现在文首。

Tip6: 没有明确的主旨句时,根据文中事实细节,


 Activity 3: Some new questions

In recent years ,we also have some new questions in the reading comprehension

1 . What lesson did the writer learn from the experience?

2. Where can we most probably find the passage

3.  Can you add an ending for the article

Activity 4: Conclusion

What have we learned today?

Activity 5 Check (学以致用):

 Use the skills we learn today to help finish the passage on the exercise paper.

Activity 6: Homework

1. Review what we learned today.

2. Finish the reading part on our homework book.